Track 1: For Absent Friends
Track 2: Under a Silver Moon
Track 3: Whispering Whales
Track 4: Frozen Waves
Track 5: As Above, So Below
Track 6: A New World
Track 7: Waving On
New Earth Records旗下冥想音乐大师Kamal推出的新专辑,以鲸为主题,优美旋律带你进入完全开放的心境,适合冥想类音乐爱好者收藏。
Enchanting melodies united with the mysterious and heart-warming songs of the Humpback Whale invoke a tranquil sense of serenity, sending you on a meditative journey to the soul of the earth. The third and final part of the Whale Song Trilogy, Whale Meditation is an excellent album to help still the mind and open the heart, making it the perfect accompaniment for personal meditation, relaxation and the healing arts.